We'd love to hear from you. For queries please contact:
For corporate and new business:
Almar Haflidason - Almar@fetch.fm
Lisa DeBell - Lisa@fetch.fm
For financial and accounts queries:
Taryn Anderson - Taryn@fetch.fm
For campaign queries:
Thomas Hewson: Tom@fetch.fm
Emma Mountain: Emma@fetch.fm
Genevieve Ferrer: genevieve@fetch.fm
Lisa DeBell - Lisa@fetch.fm
Kyle Daniels: Kyle@fetch.fm
Rory Stegner: Rory@fetch.fm
Leigh Young: leigh@fetch.fm
Leslie Williams: leslie@fetch.fm
Love film and looking for an internship? We don't tend to accept interns unless you really, truly have a burning ambition to work in film PR but if you do drop us a line. Send your CV to taryn@fetch.fm and tell us a bit about you.
Our address:
Fetch Publicity | 2 Stephen Street | London | W1T 1AN
Please send packages to our distribution hub:
Fetch Publicity | Big Yellow Storage | 401 High Road | East Finchley | London | N2 8HS
You can call us on: 020 3883 9708
You can follow us on social media:
Twitter at @Fetchpublicity
Facebook: Fetch Publicity
Linkedin: Fetch Publicity